Out my window
The weekend was spent making purchases... nothing major, just sweating the small stuff, like a kettle and a towel. Many moments spent in all possible parts of the new apartamento, looking for the light switch to the little storage cubby section... i'm sure it's not normal how much I enjoy this.
On the night of May 1, instead of spending the evening in the new place, I celebrated Beltane with my Canadian mates. There was leaping over flames dreaming of the new year and vision, a bit of red wine, and lovely chocolate cake. Nice bunch of friends. I even squeezed in a game of night croquet... unfortunately one of the lighting instruments was... err... smashed when I went for the long, down-the-hill shot with gusto.
I went up to Main and 26th yesterday, to look in some 2nd hand furniture stores. They must see me coming... but anyway, I bought a nice little coffee table, and a big blue wardrobe thingy, which is coming on Tuesday evening.
I was awoken in the early hours of this morning by a bad dream about my cat, Chilli, whose front left paw was hanging by a thread. Andy, Catherine and I were all sure that he needed to get to a vet (and so was Chills), but Kara was holding back. Even though Chills wasn't too distressed, it was weird enough to wake me up.
Then the thing-they-don't-tell-you-in-the-ad woke me up again at around 7am. Why the hell do they make garbage trucks so loud? Am I complaining?
No fucking way!