I'm thrilled to remind you that the lovely Denise Wilton and I will be presenting together in Brighton at dConstruct this year. We're planning to talk about the Rich Tapestry and how it just gets grubbier and grubbier the more people walk on it.
Then, it just so happens I'm heading home to Australia for a long-awaited visit to Adelaide and then Sydney, where I'm thrilled to be talking to an Australian crowd at Web Directions around September 27. I'm looking forward to chatting about the now 3-year-old project I've been working on, and how its design has evolved and revolved over that time. Plus, I'm secretly chuffed that my parents will be able to come and sit in the audience. (I wonder if that will make me more nervous than not?)
And then—phew!—I'm back to Europa, headed for Gijón to talk at Fundamentos Web on October 4. Curious to see how my skepticism of thoughts on the Semantic Web collide with the W3C crowd. I've downloaded "Earworm Spanish" for that particular trip because I'm a dry piece of toast when it comes to the language. Hopefully, I'll be able to order a drink and say thank you by the time I arrive.
Can't WAIT to be home for a while, and gosh! How I enjoy travel. Lucky, lucky, lucky!