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Winter-Spring Broccoli Soup
- Open small bottle of Guinness
- Peel 1 bunch of actual spring onions (so, larger than shallots, but not mature onions yet)
- Peel 1 bunch of actual spring garlic (that looks like shallots, but is garlic)
- Chop up about 2 pounds of delicious-looking, small broccoli buds, leaves, stems, everything
- Throw onions and garlic in a pot with a glob of olive oil and a knob of butter and a fair bit of nice salt
- Cook until soft
- Throw in broccoli
- Toss well
- Pour in a thingy of chicken stock
- Heat through/boil gently (you want it to stay very green)
- Splurt
- Toast some cheesy bread, and butter
- Pour another Guinness if you've finished the first one
- Eat, drink, be merry.